How To Refurbish Internal Doors Like A Pro

If there’s one thing I love when it comes to renovating, it’s the detail. I’ve gone from swooning over Wolverine to swooning over radiator valves…

Reno Diaries: The Staircase is BACK!

I feel like tooting a trumpet (not that I have one mind) because after a SIX YEAR hiatus, our staircase restoration is finally seeing a…

Why There Doesn’t Have To Be Order To Renovating

I shared a before and after of our garden on Instagram the other day. Or I should say, a before and “during” because if there’s…

The Living Room Is NEARLY Finished..

Since I wrote my list of some of the jobs I want to try and tick off during lockdown, its made me realise that a…

Lins’ Lockdown List: Motivation For All Your Home Tasks

Well here we are. Week Eleven Hundred and Twelvety of lockdown. Speaking of, is anyone else slightly concerned as to just how easily that new…

A Quick and Easy Bedroom Update

This is the first blog post I’ve written in a little while. Like I’m sure everyone else is feeling, it’s impossible to describe the last…

5 Easy Budget Dining Room Updates

There’s nothing this homeowner loves more than a bit of a budget update/makeover and I’m pretty sure quite a few of you reading this are…