My Dream Wood Flooring Six Months On

Doesn’t time go quickly? It’s hard to imagine that it’s more than six months since my dream floor was laid in the living room, ridding…

Finishing Office Touches With Iconic Lights

Disclaimer: This post features gifted product Whenever I write about our home office I get a very genuine sense of deja-vu. Like I’ve been “finishing”…

The Truth About Our Bathroom

Ok, I have to ask the question. How many of you have ever re-arranged a room for Instagram? Chucking kids toys out of the way,…

How To Save Space In A Small Kitchen

Disclaimer: This post contains gifted item/s It’s confession time. When I saw our house for the first time on a grey December day, it didn’t…

Kitchen Makeover: How Worktop Express Transformed My Kitchen

Disclaimer: I was kindly gifted work surfaces from Worktop Express as part of my kitchen makeover project At the start of this year I wrote…

5 Budget Kitchen Makeover Tips

I can’t help but think that my kitchen makeover is going to provide blog content for the rest of the year. I DO apologise in…

Kitchen Makeover: Paint, Paint And More Paint

So here we are, the first of what will probably be many, many kitchen-related blog posts. WHAT A COUPLE OF WEEKS ITS BEEN! And if…