Interiors: A Sanctuary of Colour

One of the problems I have with our house is my unending ability to start projects and not. quite. finish. them. It’s not a boredom…

Interiors: Letting the Outside In

Even though we’ve decided to put a temporary halt on big house projects, it doesn’t stop me dreaming and hatching up new plans all the…

Reno Diaries: The Understairs Cupboard

Yesterday I wrote this post about why we have to stop the big plans for the house for the time-being. Instead, each Wednesday there’ll hopefully be…

Reno Diaries: The One With The House Moratorium

The day has come. The day where we just look at each other and say: “stop”. Or at the very least “slow down, we have…

Reno Diaries: Planning for Shutters

Ever since we had the windows at the front of our house replaced, we’ve been a little on the “exposed” side with people walking past…

Abroad Edit: A 1950’s wedding in Budapest

It feels like yesterday but its now been over a month since we spent a lovely 48 hours in Budapest for my colleague (and friend!)…

#WalkTogether – 7/7/2005. In Memory.

“Well this is unusual”, someone said. “It’s not even 9am and we’re all here”. I remember that day. I work now for the same company…