Monday Catch Up #13

Well I have to say on the day job front I was mighty glad to see the back of last week, it’s inevitable that when…

The Living Room – Revisiting the list

It’s been a year and a bit since we came up with our original to-do list for the living room, deciding that it’s a good…

Barnaby & Co – New Interiors Destination

One of the things I’ve really loved since moving house and starting the blog is coming across new interiors brands and companies and last weekend…

Falling Off The Beam – a failing work life balance

Yesterday I asked Pete if he’d seen my debit card which I’d misplaced somewhere around the house. This came after my keys disappeared and I…

Monday Catch Up #12

This week can be summed up with two words: drawers and lions – I’ve been very definitely stretching my crafty and creative skills to their…

Oreo & Foodies 100 Wonderfilled Recipe Challenge

I have received product from Oreo for this post. It is an entry to the Foodies100 Wonderfilled recipe challenge sponsored by Oreo, which marks the launch…

The Office – A Little Catch Up

Over this past week, I should either have been finishing painting the spare room OR tackling another weekly mini-house project. But as it happens sometimes…