Lifestyle Chatter: Lemon and Poppyseed Loaf

When I think about how many cookbooks I have, it really makes me giggle. Coupled with all the recipe cards I pick from supermarkets, and…

Reno Diaries: Making Space for a Wood Store

In the words of Alanis Morisette, “isn’t it ironic?” that on one of the warmest September afternoons I can remember, we were busy in the…

London Edit: A Sunny Saturday at Brockley Market

Last Saturday dawned gloriously bright and beautiful so Pete and I decided to head off to one of our favourite local haunts, Brockley Market. We…

Interiors: A Good Night’s Sleep with Bruno

Now before you read any further, this post is not about some giant teddy bear that I’ve swapped in to replace Pete! I am in…

UK Edit: A Rural Idyll

Before we went on our little vacation last week, Pete asked what my Aunt’s place was like as we’d decided to stay with her for…

Reno Diaries: Down at the bottom of the garden

Does anyone else have the Poddington Peas theme tune running through their head? I do apologise! One of the bigger (ie dreamy) projects on our…

Reno Diaries: Stylish Shutters for our home

It’s now September and our last “big” house project for 2015 has been completed. We feel a little bit said that there won’t be any…