A Gluten Free Delight from Sponge

If you follow me on Instagram, you may know that I was diagnosed with a gluten allergy in autumn and have been dedicated to following…

Top Tile Picks With Tiles Direct

This may sound impatient, but I cannot WAIT for spring. Life these days is one giant mud bath caused by our excitable 18 month old Springer…

A Mini Makeover For Our Third Bedroom

Pete and I have a running joke that we have a “bedroom each” with us fondly referring to the front bedroom as “his” room and…

5 Dreamy Armchairs

Now that I’m back at work and a new year has begun, my thoughts are turning once again to our beautiful home renovation project. It’s been…

Plans for 2016

I’ve spent a lot of time over Christmas and New Year pondering a post like this one, wondering what 2016 will bring and whether it…

Lifestyle Chatter: New Hair for the New Year

It’s confession time. Serious confession time. In fact, I’m quite concerned that this confession will have any readers out there abandoning the blog in their…

Lifestyle Chatter: A Blissfully Relaxed Christmas

Every year Pete and I look forward to Christmas for one reason and one reason alone – not having to work. Yes it’s lovely to…