Happy Birthday To Me, Happy Birthday To Me, I’ve turned 108 today, Happy Birthday To Me.
Well, not quite 108, but I am now just two years away from turning 40. EEK! Actually, I’m not one to think about age at all. I always remember my Mum’s Good Housekeeping kicking about the place when I was growing up. It screamed “WHY LIFE BEGINS AT 40” from pretty much every front cover. And I thought it was so ridiculous. Because at 16, I knew everything. 40? That was as good as dead and buried.
And of course, now I’m right at the entry point of being middle-aged, I can’t stop thinking about how life just gets better and better. It really does. I’m happier now than I’ve ever been. Fitter and healthier than I was at both 18 and 28. Most days I wake up and just feel such a sense of excitement about the day ahead.
A huge part of that is to do with this little online space. I love writing, meeting new people, whizzing about to different events and just embracing all the opportunities. Whilst it started out as a place to document our home renovations, its become so much more than that. I’ll always continue to write about our home and interior passions, but I’m not an interior designer or stylist and don’t have any wish to be. I’m not the type of person to follow trends or redecorate my home every 5 minutes – in fact, I’m the antithesis of that since it’s so bad for the environment.
Besides, there are so many other areas of my life I’m as passionate about and am already planning collaborations on – travel, London experiences, the pets and health just to name a few. I’m excited to write about different topics and think more creatively about my online space instead of being labelled as an interiors blogger.
I’ve started this year thinking quite a lot about the Law of Attraction. You know, positive affirmations and all that. That if you say something out loud, or write it down, it will happen. It sounds a little out there and crazy I know, but it can’t do any damage can it? So it’s time to move away from the niche and start focusing more on life in general.
And what better time to kick it all off than my 38th birthday?! Watch this space, there’s so much fun to come.
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Hppy birthday Lins! Looking forward to seeing more great stuff on here x
Thanks so much Keira Xx