Hellloooo DIY-ers, crafter, home addicts and interiors obsessives alike! It’s 2019, apparently a year of abundance for all, and myself and Caro are delighted to be back for #HomeEtc for this year. As you’ll probably know by now, we took the decision last year to run this link-up monthly and it’s working so much better so we hope that you’ll continue to join in and share all of your interiors and home posts.
It’s probably a good time for a little reminder of how to get the most out of our fab little community and we really, really would love to grow it this year. Thankfully I’ll now have much more time to spend sharing and commenting so hopefully that will build traction for everyone – do spread the word if you know other people who may want to take part.
This year it’s going to be more about sharing and helping the blogging community to thrive again. If last year was the year of Instagram, I’ve seen so much positivity already around people returning to their first loves of writing. After all, any of those social media platforms could disappear tomorrow but blogs are evergreen. So we won’t necessarily be emphasising picking a favourite, but rather giving everyone equal appreciation.
Likewise, please do use the #HomeEtc tags on your Instagram posts even if you don’t have a blog post to share. I’ll be liking and commenting on those too and we hope to do a little round up each month. So lots of engagement and fun ahead!
To take part all you need to do is:
- Add a maximum of two posts to the linky below. They don’t need to be posts you’ve recently written, if it’s something from 5 years ago that you’d like to get more traction on share away. But a maximum of TWO only please. The link up will remain open for around 3 weeks.
- You must comment on your hosts posts, which will normally be the first two posts in the linky. Please also do take a little time to comment on others posts as well, you never know who you may come across and some of my favourite bloggers end up being those I actually take the time to read and engage with.
- Don’t forget to add the ‘HomeEtc’ logo to your post. This helps build awareness and more people = more community = more engagement
- Last but by no means least, please please tweet us, Instagram us, LET US KNOW you’ve joined in. You can find me now at @linsdrabwell on Twitter and @linsdrabwellhome on Instgram. Caro is @twinklediaries on Twitter and @thetwinklediaries on Instagram
We’re so excited to be back and hope you are too! We look forward to reading your posts.
Love, Lins & Caro X
Woohoo this is exciting. I cannot wait to join in with this. Hoping over the next few months there will be lots of posts 🙂 x
Ahh yay we’re really looking forward to having you X