
All the things I love to fill my spare time with, from vegan food to exercise, Netflix binges to favourite books, and lots of tips to inspire a little bit of sunshine and positivity in every day life.


Vegan Eating In: Reroot Foods Goodminz ‘Burgers’

Last week I wrote this post about making entirely plant-based ‘meatballs’ using GOODMINZ from Reroot Foods. They very kindly sent me one of the other…

A Healthy New Start – Nutribuddy Breakfast Shake

Oh breakfast. It feels like the meal that no-one quite gets right. At least, if you work full-time. Or have a family to think about…

Vegan Eating In: Reroot Foods Goodminz ‘Meatballs’

Since the start of the year I’ve been a little obsessed with lots of home cooking and sourcing new vegan foods. It’s a very exciting…

London Edit: Redemption Bar, Shoreditch

There is a huge problem with social media. That is, the ability to disappear down a rabbit hole of mouth-watering, tastebud-popping food accounts on Instagram…

My Favourites To Watch On Netflix

My name is Lins and I’m a Netflix addict. It’s a damn good job that I work full-time. If I didn’t, the days would merge…

Why I’m Changing Content This Year

Happy Birthday To Me, Happy Birthday To Me, I’ve turned 108 today, Happy Birthday To Me. Well, not quite 108, but I am now just…

Why January Is Perfect For A Very British Hygge

Christmas has been and gone for another year and all that remains is the long, grey dark days of January and February whilst we wait…