This is a paid partnership with weflip

I saw someone mention on Instagram last week that we’re now into the second half of the year and for those of us who want to, whether self-employed or not, it’s time to do a half-yearly review. Are we living up to those resolutions made in January? Are goals being reached, new things being learned? It’s a really good idea to not just reflect on an overall year but break it down into smaller chunks.
This is definitely something I’m even more conscious of, in my first year of self-employment. For obvious reasons the first half of this year has been very challenging but no more dwelling on that. It’s time to make the remainder of the year my best six months ever and in order to do that, it’s important to really look at my finances both in terms of what I’m bringing in as earnings, and any easy ways I can find to save us money around the home.
I’ve always been quite savvy when it comes to things like chopping and changing my credit cards to get zero interest offers. I’ve also recently started to try and become a convert to online food shopping, meal-planning and batch-cooking more frequently to not just economise but reduce our waste, too. But what about other items such as insurance and energy? How often do we check to make sure we’re utilising the very best deal?
According to the energy regulator Ofgem, over half of all people in the UK are overpaying on their energy bills by as much as £350 a year simply because they don’t flip. I’m absolutely sure we must fall into that demographic, as a British Gas customer despite just being two of us it always feels like our bills are beyond hefty. I struggle to know how to even work out what the best deal could be though. There’s so much choice and I can’t ever be bothered to commit what is probably very little time in making the change.
This is where weflip can come to the rescue. If you haven’t heard of weflip, don’t worry neither had I. They are however part of the GoCompare group who I’m sure you’ve almost definitely heard of. The difference is that instead of giving you advice on the money saving and different options available to you as an energy consumer, they’ll actually Do It For You. I mean! So how does it work?

Well, according to the very easy to understand process, you give weflip a few details about your existing usage and provider and they tell you how much you can save. On average, they say it takes no more than 3 minutes for them to find the cost savings. For the first flip, you’re given the different options and can make your choice so that weflip can understand what’s important to you (eg, best cost savings, or established brand, or customer service provision and so on). Then, weflip will contact the energy suppliers on your behalf to let them know you’re moving and you don’t have to do anything.
The best part of all is that thereafter, the weflip team will keep searching for cost savings on your energy. And when they find a deal that can save you at least £50 a year, they’ll flip you. There’s no downtime between the changes and they work to ensure that if there are any exit fees from the existing provider, the change will only be made if the savings negate the exit fees.
It certainly all sounds very intriguing but is it one of those that sounds too good to be true? Or is the reality that really the energy companies do hold us to ransom as consumers? Well, I’ll be the guinea pig for you – since I’m working with weflip it seems only right that I put my money where my mouth is (ha!) and give the service a proper testing. Once I’m back from holiday I’ll be signing up and making the switch, sharing it all on Instagram with a follow up blog post to let you know how it’s going. Watch this space readers, hopefully I can help to save you some precious pennies to be spent on something much more fun instead.
Disclaimer: I am working with weflip on a paid partnership. All words, images and opinions are my own unless otherwise stated.