Spare Bedroom: The Latest Updates

Spare Bedroom

The other day I was sitting in the bay window in our spare bedroom, looking over the garden and feeling frustrated that it’s still not quite finished. And I know, I know. No room is ever really finished, right? But I’m not one of those serial redecorators, not someone who changes my mind. With the exception of changing up cushions or adding a new print, paint, wallpaper, the big stuff all stays until it literally falls apart.  

Then I realised that actually, we really have done so much to the spare bedroom already, stripping it all back and updating it over the years as and we’ve had a bit of extra money to make the renovations. So to make myself feel better, here’s a little recap of what we’ve done so far:

  • Installed new windows – it was out with the dated leaded double-glazing and in with a modern overhaul that still maintains a period feel. We’ve used The Window Clinic based in SE London for all our new windows and they’re totally faultless
  • Reinstated a picture rail – all our rooms are such a mish-mash of dado rails, picture rails and some rooms with nothing. The littlest bedroom that we turned into our office had a picture rail, whereas in bedroom 2 and 3 they’ve been stripped out. I love the 1930’s look so it was an easy decision to reinstall it
  • Replaced the flooring – when we moved in there was a carpet in this room. To be fair it was in quite good condition compared to the others but carpets just aren’t for us especially with a cat and dog. We’re gradually working our way round the house to replace them and have opted for engineered wood floorboards upstairs so far with the same design in the office and this bedroom
  • New skirting boards – similarly to the dado rail/picture rail debacle, so much of the skirting boards in our home is different depending which room you’re in. Since they have to come off to replace the floor properly, we’ve been working round to add a simple but period skirting board design which we love and is so much easier to keep clean
  • Built in alcove cupboards – because of the age of the house it would have originally had a fireplace in the chimney breast. We decided to opt for built in storage cupboards in the alcoves either side and it provides a great storage solution without eating into the space
  • Moved the light switches – in a typical 1930’s house, doors opened to the wall first and then into the room. At some point, all the doors in our house were rehung to open into the room first. All well and good but it meant all the light switches were behind the doors which you think you can live with until you have to live with it
  • Redecorating – the room used to be the palest pink but not in a lovely blush millennial way. We used a soft grey from Valspar called Silver Thistle Down and it’s the perfect backdrop for the mixture of crazy colours and patterns I’ve got going on in there. Not forgetting my favourite Muck n Brass wallpaper
Bay Window in the Spare Bedroom
Spare Bedroom
Spare Bedroom Corner
Sue Ryder Chair

See now I feel so much better seeing it all written down. There’s not much left to do, we just need to replace the radiator so it matches the one in the living room, have a Roman blind made for the windows and paint the door. And then it’s DONE. I love this room so much, it gets amazing light and is a fab space to work in when I need a change of scenery. It’s only a temporary spare bedroom until we can get the main guest room up and running but I’m pretty sure anyone who comes to stay will be super happy in here.

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  1. June 25, 2019 / 3:26 pm

    This is such a beautiful room! So much light x

    • Lins
      June 26, 2019 / 10:00 pm

      Thank you so much lovely X

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