Buying a renovation project can be incredibly exciting but, given that a standard home renovation can take between 6-9 months even if things run smoothly, it can also be disruptive. Unlike a picture-perfect newbuild home, your renovation may be unlivable at the time of buying, leading you to either invest in expensive rentals or shack up with long-suffering relatives.
In either case, 9+ months without a home to call your own can take its toll, and you’ll probably be keen to move into your new property as soon as possible. Unfortunately, that isn’t always practical.
That said, you needn’t always wait until your renovation project is completely finished to contact some interstate removalists and get yourselves settled. Instead, you’ll simply want to look out for the following signs that your renovation project might be liveable after all.
You’ve Safeguarded Every Risk
Whether you’re moving on your own, as a couple, or with kids, living in an unsafe building is never wise. Risks like missing stairs, nonexistent floorboards, and even windows that haven’t been installed all suggest that your home isn’t ready. But, if your property is already fully safeguarded from risks like these, and if building work is at the point where there’s no risk of young hands stumbling upon a screw or drill in the middle of your house, then it may be easier to move in than you think. This is true even if particular rooms, like your bedrooms or attic space, are still undergoing major renovations. You simply need to make sure that the body of your house is safe to live in, and then you can isolate the rest.
All Liveable Essentials Are In Place
Even if building work has reached a point where living in a property wouldn’t be hazardous, it also pays to ensure that all livable essentials are in place. Things like electricity and plumbing should certainly be tackled in advance, both because they’ll have a huge impact on comfort, and because they’re pretty big, messy jobs that are best done in an empty property. Equally, while you might not need a state-of-the-art kitchen installed to move in, you will likely want at least some equipment for the cooking and storing of food by the time you get settled.
You’re Struggling To Finish The Project
Finishing a renovation can be tricky when you have to travel to that property every day and, after a long workday, you might simply not have the energy. If this is the case, and it’s an issue that’s stalling progress, then moving in might be a good idea. After all, it’s far easier to complete work on a property that you’re already returning to at the end of the day, or that you’re waking up in and can get started on straight away before work in the mornings.
Moving right into a property that you’re renovating can be a bad idea. But, there’s no reason you can’t get settled at last if you spot these signs that your project property is ready.
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