Pottering And Potting With Pansies


A couple of weeks ago we visited Columbia Road Flower Market to pick up some flowers for the house and something to refill our pots with – last year my neighbour gave us a job lot of marigolds and dahlias and we got some cheapy containers from Wilkos to brighten up our rather drab patio.

I don’t have any particular favourites when it comes to garden plants but really just love colour and when I spied a tray of giant pansies at the market which was £5 for 15 plants and such stunning quality too it found its way home with us.

The garden gets neglected through the winter months for so many reasons, mainly because neither of us know what we’re doing and because I hate being out in the cold. Maddie has managed to dig a trench up at the top of the garden from running the same fox-scented path whenever she goes out and well, there’s so much to fix in the house that the garden isn’t a priority.


That said, it is lovely to have something cheerful to look out on and with Good Friday bringing such beautiful sunshine and aware that the rest of the Easter weekend was going to be a bit of a washout I took the opportunity to head out into the garden early and plant up the pansies and tidy up little pot corner. It’s funny to think that even just a few years ago I would have been writing Good  Friday off after a heavy night out on the Thursday before but I guess we all settle into a different rhythm as we get older.

Here’s a little before picture – overgrown ivy and pots full of last year’s dead flowers and plants. Lovely!


I cut back the ivy, cleared all the pots of their rotting foliage and swept up all the dead leaves and then it looked like this:


And then, all the pansy love! They really do look beautiful:







It’s so refreshing to finally have some colour back in the garden and just goes to show you don’t need to spend very much or take too much time to transform a little patch. I’m so pleased to capture all these memories because eventually our extension will take up all this patio space and where the pots are now will be a shiny new kitchen. You can see from this image what the space looks like across the back of the house from a picture taken last year and we’re hopeful that we can build out across our existing dining room and kitchen as a lot of houses have done on our road to really open up the downstairs space. If only I could see 5 years into the future!


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