There’s something so appealing about a Scandinavian way of life – outdoor living, stylish interiors, colourful children’s clothes, a happy existence at one with nature. The groundswell and growing movement towards all things Scandi at the moment in the UK means that I’m clearly not alone in this way of thinking and I spent lots of time in Sweden in my early 20s with my then boyfriend who was Swedish, enjoying midsummer parties, summer houses and salmon. What’s not to love?
Online interiors store Cloudberry Living who were established in 2007 have encapsulated everything that we home lovers admire about Scandi style featuring brands such as Marimekko, Ittala, Rice and Sagaform and “inspired by Scandinavia’s design heritage, combining function, form, quality and sustainability in timeless simplistic designs”.
When they got in touch asking if I would like to pick some pieces from their store for our home I was over the moon. Minimalism features heavily at Boo & Maddie for a number of reasons – when you have a dog that spends most of her time outdoors, a fine layer of dust inevitably covers everything, all the time. Cleaning is time-consuming enough without having to move 50 trinkets from surfaces every few days. Since we’re also in never-ending and slow renovation mode, we don’t have much furniture or available space to put things either (yet somehow “stuff” has an amazing inability to just gather despite my best efforts).
The first item I chose was the fresh “Sommar” candle from Scandinavisk. Funnily enough I’d been looking at these in John Lewis at Westfield Stratford just a few days before Cloudberry got in touch and loved them – the scents are incredible and they come beautifully boxed with a cellophane wrapping so would also make a super gift.
This is what Cloudberry have to say about the Scandinavisk candles: “Scandinavians are renowned the world over for their daily use of candles, making them experts on creating fantastic quality, slow burning beautiful candles. SOMMAR whose fragrance has been created by a leading perfumer from Grasse France for Skandinivisk, uses a synergistic blend of Lavender and Lily of the Valley which encompasses the soft, fresh and invigorating Swedish summers. 45 hrs of pure Summer BLISS whatever the weather outside!”
How very apt for this up and down Easter weekend, sunny one moment and pouring with rain the next. Yet Sommar is filling our rooms with a delicate but powerful scent and definitely making me think of warmer days ahead. The glass votives can also be reused after the candles have burned down so I’m sure it will find a new home.
The second item I chose and ended up being a lot of fun putting together on Easter Sunday is this ‘petals’ fruit bowl from Be&liv. Available in three colours, I opted for turquoise since this would go best with our current dining room decor and sat down to fit the pieces together creating a real show-stopping table centre piece.
Instructions to complete the bowl, which is made of recycled plastic and comes in a slim and stylish gift box, are easy to follow. Holding a small circular central disc in one hand, each one of the 36 petals slots onto the disc creating the curved appearance. The idea is that since there is air circulating around the bowl, fruit stored in it will last longer since it is better ventilated than standard fruit bowls where something ends up at the bottom and gets covered by other fruit.
I loved putting this together as I’m a little bit of a jigsaw puzzle geek and the end result looks really special so it will be great to have a new home for our fruit and free up a little bit of space in our crowded tiny kitchen.
And last but by no means least, a little Scandi treat for our garden, partially because how can I resist something called “Birdy Bird Feeder”? Isn’t that the best name for a bird feeder ever? This is SO aesthetically pleasing in white stoneware with a contemporary design which is just so me all over. We’ve tried to work out where to put it so that the birds will use it but the squirrels won’t and have decided on a fence post just above the patio.
The bird feeder is open on two sides so birds can get easy access and has a wire hanging loop so is quite straightforward to position providing you have somewhere to hang it! Unfortunately for us most of the sides of the garden consist of overgrown bushes and at the top (or bottom, I’m never sure!) is too close to the huge oak trees and most importantly the pesky squirrels. So we’ll see how we get on and whether the little birdies make good use of it – I’ve seen robins and blue tits hopping about since our neighbours have a bird feeder in a similar spot so fingers crossed they might like a bit of extra food.
A huge thank you to Cloudberry Living for introducing me to their website and offering us some lovely treats for our home. I was sent all three items free or charge for an honest review, all images, words and opinions are my own unless otherwise stated.
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Oh Lins, I love what you’ve chosen. Those candles are great aren’t they? I have the green one. I’ve forgotten what it’s called but it smells like a pine forest!
Oh wow I love all of the bits you have chosen. That candle looks so welcoming and the fruit bowl looks really cool and I think that has to be the nicest bird feeder I have ever seen! Top picks #HomeEtc
Thank you Emma, I’m so pleased to have discovered the website with all the beautiful pieces! X
oh my goodness, I need that fruit owl in my life – so stunning! #homeetc
It really is and has now taken pride of place in our dining room. Really recommend it X
What beautiful things! I saw your photo of the half-made fruit bowl and wondered if it was bunny ears! 🙂 It is stunning! I am a real scented candle addict and love the sound of this one. Love the bird feeder too. Just beaut! x #HomeEtc
Haha I totally agree Julia, it did look like bunny ears and very apt with it being Easter too! Really such gorgeous pieces Xx
I love everything you have chosen! Fab post! The fruit bowl looks so special.
Thank you Carly, it was so hard to choice which pieces as just everything is beautiful and right up my street! Thanks for stopping by Xx
Oh I love all these items, that bowl is just amazing and what a beautiful colour, I need one of those little bird feeders my kids would love it xx
The bowl is so much fun too to put together and also comes in pink and white, I just love Scandi design! Xx
Ohmyword!!! WHAT gorgeous things — I LOVE everything you’ve chosen and I LOVE the Cloudberry website — I’ve spent hours on there, picking lovely things for our home. They have got some AMAZING chairs — in fact — scrub that, they’ve got amazing EVERYTHING!! I’d give it all house-room!!! Although I’d need a new house to fit it all in! Thanks so much for linking up with us lovely xx #HomeEtc
Isn’t it all fabulous?? It was so hard to pick the bits I did and I’ll definitely be going back for more. Thanks so much for hosting Xx
Wow – they all look great. Love the colour of the fruit bowl and love that it was a bit of a puzzle too. And those lucky birds.. #homeetc
Gorgeous! Love the fruit bowl and the bird feeder! Stylish! Never heard of them before so off to check them out!!! Thanks for linking up, Jess xx
They’re fab aren’t they? So many beautiful things Xx