Planning The Ultimate Bedroom Retreat

How much do you like your bedroom at the moment? Have you already designed the perfect sumptuous luxe retreat, or created a bold and uplifting room to start each day with positivity? Gone are the days when a bedroom was just a place to rest our heads – with more of us spending time on screens than ever before, and now for some people needing to even work from their bedrooms too, they are becoming multi-functional spaces that need to serve several purposes.

Our bedroom is a loft conversion that the previous owners built and I love how separated it feels from the rest of the house. It has windows on both sides and most definitely feels like a tranquil retreat, having had a couple of makeovers in the time we’ve lived here.

When we first moved in, it was painted a baby blue and with our mismatched furniture and no sense of cohesion, it wasn’t a restful space to be in. I then painted it soft grey which I really loved, both warm and calming and last autumn I painted it in Tranquil Dawn which is a greeny-grey colour. Most importantly for me, a bedroom with boucle bed heads has to be a place of relaxation and the colours I choose reflect that.

Our longer term plans will see a complete renovation of the space. We’d like to install fitted wardrobes in the sloping part of the room which is under the eaves and currently where the bed is. This will create a separate dressing/storage area and then move our bed to where the wardrobes are so we can have a proper headboard and be able to sit up. It’s not high up on our priority list but I think will make us love the space even more. Preventing loft condensation issues will also be a key consideration during this renovation to ensure the space remains comfortable and free from damp.

With that in mind, I’ve created some tips on how to make most of your bedroom, whether it’s a “make-do-for-now” situation, or whether you’re designing your ultimate retreat.

Consider Colours

What colours inspire and motivate you? Think about darker shades to create a luxurious, opulent dramatic space, including dark blues, dark greens or even black. I’ve seen people even paint their ceilings dark in bedrooms to produce a cocoon-type environment. Alternatively, if you’re more like me you may need a calmer colour, reflecting the natural environment. It’s restful but also stimulates the senses. Don’t be afraid to redecorate either – I knew we wouldn’t have the budget to renovate the bedroom when we moved in but I definitely couldn’t live with that blue.

Ample Storage

No-one wants to try and sleep in a room with clothes strewn on the floor and chairs, books piled up and devices lying around. Remember, you can never have too much storage so make sure you plan for all eventualities and try to focus on keeping the bedroom tidy. They say a cluttered environment can cause a cluttered mind and I know I definitely feel this way. You can also upcycle furniture that you do have though, if you have budget constraints. I’ve upcycled 9 pieces of furniture in our bedroom including our wardrobes and bed and I love how it reflects my personality now.

Image: Hammonds
Bring In Nature

There’s no better place for some greenery than the bedroom. Many house plants do a wonderful job of naturally cleaning the air, helping you to sleep better especially given all the environmental pollutants we’re faced with now. Snake plants in particular are renowned for their air purifying properties and as luck would have it, are also one of the plants which thrives well on neglect. I even have a little propagating station under one of the roof lights in our bedroom and plants thrive there.


Whether it’s natural or artificial, lighting is so important to any room but especially bedrooms. I need full dark to be able to sleep and so we have black out blinds – not necessarily the most stylish but they work. In terms of lighting, I favour table lamps and the relaxed light they emit rather than anything harsh. We also have spotlights by the end recessed into the ceiling for reading, for now. Once we reposition the bed though I love the idea of hanging pendants on either side.

Lots of plans and not entirely sure when any of it will happen, but I hope this has given you some ideas for your own bedroom planning!

Post in collaboration.

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