Home Etc #153 – August Interiors Linkup

Happy August #HomeEtc everyone! Ironically as I’m sitting writing this post it’s RAINING. RAIN. What even IS that stuff? I know the temperature has dipped in other parts of the UK but here in London it’s been absolutely outrageous for at least six weeks and has only rained twice. We’ve given up with the lawn but have just about managed to keep a few plants alive with some diligent watering.

So how is your summer going? I know the schools are off and Caro has been busy entertaining her little ones. It doesn’t really make much difference to Pete and I other than our trains to work in the morning are much quieter as commuters take time off. The flipside is they are SO much busier on the way home as they’re packed full of families.

On the home front, we’ve now plastered the living room! Gone is the horrible old lining paper which hid all the damage and we now have beautiful smooth walls. We haven’t come any further than that of course, this is us after all but it’s a step in the right direction. Next up I really need to make a decision about the living room floor. I *think* I’m settled on engineered wood in a herringbone pattern so now we just have to pick a colour and get some quotes in.

But ANYWAY, enough of home life. Thank you so much to everyone who linked up in July and here is our favourite…


It’s Becky who writes at Pinks Charming and her fabulous upcycled indoor salad garden! This is literally something I would buy from a shop if I could, it looks so stylish and is so simple to make. I won’t share any further but do read on for her tutorial.

Congratulations Becky, you’ve won our monthly Laura Ashley voucher prize! We’ll be in touch to arrange delivery.

Now it’s your turn, please do join in with any home/upcycling/DIY/craft/interiors-related posts.


All we ask is that you follow these 3 little rules:

1) Please include our lovely #HomeEtc badge at the bottom of your post.

2) You may link up to two posts — new or old — but no more than two posts each week please.

3) Please be kind enough to comment on your HOSTS’ POSTS which will always be the first two entries in the link up, plus a couple of others.

Blog hops only work if you’re as generous with your comments as you are at sharing your posts.

Be sure to tweet us @booandmaddie or @twinklediaries with the url to your post, using the hashtag #HomeEtc and we will always retweet. We’ll be back on the first Wednesday in September to share our favourite from August and this lucky blogger will receive a £20 voucher from our fabulous sponsor Laura Ashley.

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