
All the things I love to fill my spare time with, from vegan food to exercise, Netflix binges to favourite books, and lots of tips to inspire a little bit of sunshine and positivity in every day life.


How To Get A Great Deal On A New Car

Buying a new car (which doesn’t have to be brand-new, just new to you) is a great opportunity. It’s exciting, it should be fun, but…

How Tech Can Help Manage Chronic Illness

Chronic illness takes many different forms. I have been living with IBD as just one example for over 4 years now and although I have…

What Car Owners Can Do To Save A Little Bit …

Needless to say, owning a car can be fabulous, but at times, it doesn’t necessarily feel like a smart purchase. Owning one can be expensive;…

Crucial Areas Of Your Life That You Could Make Greener …

In our quest for a snug and convenient lifestyle, it’s often easy to overlook the environmental cost that comes with modern living. However, adopting a…

A Guide To Caring For An Older Loved One

Earlier this year, Pete and I both celebrated octogenarians in our families, with his Dad turning 80 and my mum’s husband also turning 80. It’s…

Nourishing The Mind: 10 Best Foods To Improve Mental Health

It’s simple to miss how nutrition affects our mental health in our busy lives.  But research indicates that some foods can considerably enhance our health. …

Top 5 Facts You Should Know About Content Writing

In the digital sphere, content is undeniably the backbone. The right content captures attention, builds trust, influences decisions, and establishes brand authority. As the world…