Interiors: A Good Night’s Sleep with Bruno

Now before you read any further, this post is not about some giant teddy bear that I’ve swapped in to replace Pete! I am in…

Interiors: A DIY Ombre Chest of Drawers with Wayfair

If you follow me on Instagram, you may remember a few weeks ago there were some pictures popping up of a drawer unit I was…

Falling for Copper

One of the hottest interiors trends of late has been copper and I must confess in being a little late to the party. It just…

Barnaby & Co – New Interiors Destination

One of the things I’ve really loved since moving house and starting the blog is coming across new interiors brands and companies and last weekend…

Life Moves Pretty Fast – an interiors retro movie theme

Ever since I can remember, I’ve loved movies. So much so that it formed part of my degree, studying film noir, original 1920s gangster films…

Interiors: A Sanctuary of Colour

One of the problems I have with our house is my unending ability to start projects and not. quite. finish. them. It’s not a boredom…

Interiors: Letting the Outside In

Even though we’ve decided to put a temporary halt on big house projects, it doesn’t stop me dreaming and hatching up new plans all the…