Finishing Touches With Decorative Lighting

When we’ve been planning redecorations and renovations for our home, lighting has so far always played an important part – so important in fact that…

Flower-Arranging with HomeSense

I’ve seen quite a few blogs lately raving about the new incarnation of fake or faux flowers and how much they now resemble the real…

A Romantic Boudoir for Valentine’s Day

Ah, Valentine’s Day. Surely a day in the calendar that’s only important for 15-year-olds, anyone who chose to get married then (this includes my in-laws)…

Interiors Inspiration from Kaleidoscope SS16

Last week I had a little break from the normal day job routine and took a couple of hours off to pop into town and…

Our Forever Home – Two Years On

This post is actually coming a couple of weeks earlier than our second anniversary in our home but as I’m soon to be all-consumed with…

Top Tile Picks With Tiles Direct

This may sound impatient, but I cannot WAIT for spring. Life these days is one giant mud bath caused by our excitable 18 month old Springer…

A Mini Makeover For Our Third Bedroom

Pete and I have a running joke that we have a “bedroom each” with us fondly referring to the front bedroom as “his” room and…