Creating An Energy Efficient Home

It’s a brand new week and I can FINALLY share that we have central heating once again! My goodness, we’ve been riding on the coattails…

Where We’ve Come From…And Where We’re Going

Did you know I’ve won an award? Albeit a self-proclaimed one. From here on I shall be known as the world’s slowest home renovator. Can…

Living Room Lift-Off: New Floor Week

Dear Readers, I don’t know whether to feel excited or nervous. Much like when we had the new windows fitted, windows that I’d chosen more…

An Indian Summer Patio Makeover

Ever the optimist, I’m convinced that I can still say Indian Summer even though it’s now the 1st October. Please don’t burst my bubble. I’m…

Our House-Hunting Wishlist

Ok, before you see this title and screech “LINS, WHAT THE HELL, ARE YOU MOVING??” the answer is no, we’re not moving. Not ever (probably).…

Safety First, The Next DIY Projects

Summer may be coming to an end but for me it just means the start of new projects (or should I say, resuming old ones).…

Renovation Update: The Living Room

It feels like there is a chill in the air these days. The days may still be long and sunny (ish) but there is a…