All About The Oak

One of the things Pete and I are particularly grateful for as we make our way slowly and painstakingly through this house update is that…

Delicious Alchemy’s Gluten-Free Nutty Granola

Ah, breakfast. That conundrum of “most important meal of the day” versus “if I don’t leave right now I’m going to miss the train to…

Closing A Chapter…And Starting A New Story

I haven’t really thought about what to write in this post or even how coherent it will be…I hope it ends up making some kind of…

Decadent Luxury With Oykos

When asked if I’d like to receive a gift basket of spa goodies and some delicious new yoghurt to try, the words which went through…

When The Bug Takes Over

Hello, it’s me. Or some slightly lighter, slightly paler, hugely more exhausted version of me. I’ve been “other” this past 8-9 days and am now…

House Of Fraser Interiors Autumn/Winter Preview

It might be nearly June and a Bank Holiday, but if we had any wood for the fire it would be well and truly lit…

How To: Make A Hanging Planter

I recently spent a wonderfully relaxing Sunday morning taking part in some workshops to harness the power of plants in Central London, learning how important…