How To Improve Your Retail Store Design

Image: Unsplash

When I ran my e-commerce business selling children’s clothes for 8 years, I often daydreamed about owing a bricks and mortar shop. It never happened and the closest I got was 6 years of being a market trader. Optimising retail store design is definitely a skill and a unique store design and excellent logistics are key to delivering a high-quality customer experience. 

These days social media is also an important consideration when planning a store layout. A good retail store design will enhance the company’s branding and make the store more social-media friendly for the younger generations. Especially where small business is concerned, an aesthetic appeal can hugely boost potential retail sales if it can be tagged on social media.

Ways To Improve Retail Store Design

Use Effective Lighting

Lighting is one of the most important parts of retail store design, as it can enhance the store’s appeal. Bright enough that customers can see what they’re looking at but not so overwhelming that it creates an unpleasant shopping experience.

Therefore, create a visually appealing environment that will focus on giving a high-quality customer experience and influence people to change their customer behavior. So, think about what you’re selling and the audience you want to attract and adapt accordingly.

Don’t Forget Comfort

Comfort is also an important part of the retail store. When today’s customer can so easily shop from their own sofa online, retail spaces have to work harder to provide a more welcoming environment.

Think about changing rooms – if people are shopping with their partners or friends, it would encourage more time spent in store if those waiting had chairs/sofas and maybe even some magazines, rather than just having to stand around.

Use Advertisements

When customers are in store, there’s nothing more frustrating than struggling to find what you’re looking for. Another way to improve your retail store design is by using advertisements. Help busy customers who may be in a rush to find what they need, but also remind customers of why they are choosing that store in the first place.

Therefore, use advertisements and displays just like Nike does for its retail store. This will help you merchandise the products and retail, giving you enough time to bring new customers to the store. 

Moreover, you can visit the website of Isi Global, where you can learn about retail store design

Focus On The Powerwall

The latest study shows that 90% of shoppers unconsciously turn to the right once they enter the shop. Furthermore, the experts named the entry point the power wall, and they believe it is important to focus on the right design and texture. 

This will allow you to set the right impact on customers and allow you to increase your sales and revenue. Also, you should ensure products are lined up properly in the right part of the shop. This will help you set the right tone for the store. 

So, in the power wall, keep the main products and USPs, which will help you earn more customers and revenue. 

Ultimately retail store design is fundamental to bringing in extra revenue and helping customers to have a great shopping experience. Therefore, continually revisiting the layout, merchandising is essential to maintaining the future of retail.

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