Three Budget Tips To Care For Your Stove

Three Budget Tips To Care For Your Stove

Fitting a wood-burning stove back in the summer of 2015 still remains one of our greatest renovation triumphs. Although I think everything we do to the house is pretty great, being warm and cosy makes me so happy. It’s no secret that autumn and winter are not my favourite seasons. But I do look forward to curling up on damp afternoons in front of a film or just being mesmerised by flickering flames.

So far, the stove is doing a great job of taking care of itself. We have the HETA Inspire 45, a sleek, modern design which also has some kind of amazing self-clean facility inside. This means that no matter how much we use it, the inside looks soot-free. Don’t ask me how that’s possible but there it is.

Despite how self-sufficient it is, there are a few little tips and tricks I love to keep it look in top condition, especially in between seasons so here they are in case you find them useful:

1) An annual coat of paint. Traditionally I think this was known as ‘blacking’ but I’m not entirely sure what products would have been used in times gone by. I’ve used Stovax Thermolac Brush On Paint twice now, once last summer and again this year. It’s super easy to apply and dries very quickly to give the outside of the stove that brand new look. The pot is quite small but a little goes a long way.

2) Cleaning the glass with ash. I’ve written about this amazing home cleaning hack before but it’s so good I thought I’d include it again. To get the glass sparkly new without spending a penny, you just need newspaper or kitchen roll and water! Take a little bit of newspaper, dip it in water and then in the leftover ash from a previous fire to gently buff the glass. Honestly, no amount of expensive or specialist glass cleaner will do a better job. Lins’ top tip right there.

3) Cleaning the hearth with baby oil. Now this may not be relevant depending on what your hearth is made of. We have a single piece of black slate. More often than not it looks quite dusty but giving it a quick vacuum and then rubbing in some baby oil with a bit of kitchen roll makes it look just like new.

What do you think? The above picture shows our stove after two full winters of almost daily use, after I’ve cleaned it up at the weekend ready for this season. Almost as good as a new pin.

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Budget Tips Log Burner Care

What are your best cleaning tips? I need all the help I can get. 

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  1. September 20, 2017 / 3:12 pm

    It looks absolutely gorgeous. So so cosy! Sadly i have no tips to add – our current home has absolutely NO fireplaces and it breaks my heart. The new house does have one though and I’m excited to have a mantel again. Let me tell ya, you feel lost with your christmas decorations without one haha!

    • Lins
      September 24, 2017 / 10:55 am

      Ooh what a very exciting reason to look forward to moving! It’s so funny you should say that about the mantel, we went about 18 months without one at first because I thought I wanted clean lines and minimal. And then that Christmas came and went it felt so dumb to not be able to decorate it! Look forward to seeing your new place in due course X

  2. September 25, 2017 / 8:13 pm

    Oh I want a stove now too (stamps foot). Great tips Lins. My mum does that with her hearth too. Baby oil is brilliant for it. #HomeEtc

    • Lins
      September 26, 2017 / 10:13 am

      Baby oil is just genius isn’t it? I love when you can find household hacks without needing to invest in loads of different products X

  3. September 26, 2017 / 8:36 pm

    I’m a bit jealous as I’ve always wanted a burning wood burning stove. Unfortunately no cleaning tips from me but I’m quite impressed that you can clean the glass with ash!

    • Lins
      September 28, 2017 / 9:41 pm

      If ever you get the chance to put one in I’d definitely recommend it! One of the best things we’ve ever done X

  4. October 1, 2017 / 2:43 pm

    the baby oil tip is great – my parents has that dusty/dull look, so I’ll be sharing that. Thanks for hosting #HomeEtc

    • Lins
      October 2, 2017 / 8:00 pm

      I’d totally recommend it as a tip, baby oil is great for so many things! X

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