
All the things I love to fill my spare time with, from vegan food to exercise, Netflix binges to favourite books, and lots of tips to inspire a little bit of sunshine and positivity in every day life.


Personalised Pizza Making with I Just Love It

A couple of weeks ago I was invited to join up with some other bloggers for an evening of pizza making at the wonderful La…

Cooking: Deliciously Ella’s Buddha Bowl

Pete is now more than half way through his 3 month Men’s Health #mhtransform programme and it’s incredible what a difference its made already and…

London Edit: A Saturday Mooch at Crystal Palace Food Market

Six years ago Pete and I left our west London life behind and took the plunge to settle in south-east London, renting a little Victorian…

A Gluten Free Delight from Sponge

If you follow me on Instagram, you may know that I was diagnosed with a gluten allergy in autumn and have been dedicated to following…

Plans for 2016

I’ve spent a lot of time over Christmas and New Year pondering a post like this one, wondering what 2016 will bring and whether it…

Lifestyle Chatter: New Hair for the New Year

It’s confession time. Serious confession time. In fact, I’m quite concerned that this confession will have any readers out there abandoning the blog in their…

Lifestyle Chatter: A Blissfully Relaxed Christmas

Every year Pete and I look forward to Christmas for one reason and one reason alone – not having to work. Yes it’s lovely to…