Interiors: A DIY Ombre Chest of Drawers with Wayfair

If you follow me on Instagram, you may remember a few weeks ago there were some pictures popping up of a drawer unit I was…

Falling for Copper

One of the hottest interiors trends of late has been copper and I must confess in being a little late to the party. It just…

The Living Room – Revisiting the list

It’s been a year and a bit since we came up with our original to-do list for the living room, deciding that it’s a good…

Barnaby & Co – New Interiors Destination

One of the things I’ve really loved since moving house and starting the blog is coming across new interiors brands and companies and last weekend…

The Office – A Little Catch Up

Over this past week, I should either have been finishing painting the spare room OR tackling another weekly mini-house project. But as it happens sometimes…

Life Moves Pretty Fast – an interiors retro movie theme

Ever since I can remember, I’ve loved movies. So much so that it formed part of my degree, studying film noir, original 1920s gangster films…

The “Spare” Spare Room – Part I

This week our mini house projects are taking a mini break as we’ve embarked on a slightly more ambitious project and have been giving our…