Well that’s it. I’ve finally conceded that autumn is here after most of our September has shown us yet again what a standout month it is. I was thinking the other day about all the amazing Septembers I could remember versus crappy Augusts. September 2011 we went to visit my brother-in-law in Singapore and flew out of London at the end of September in 28 degrees. 2012, the Paralympics in that glorious summer when Brexit was non-existent. September 2015 we went to Cornwall on holiday and it was 27 degrees. I’d packed a suitcase full of winter clothes. 2017 I went to Design Junction and sat outside drinking Pimms. Last year, well that was just a mad summer full stop. And this month hasn’t been too shabby at all.
Now though, it definitely feels like candles and blankets are fully justified. And I won’t lie, I find it SO much easier to work when the weather’s miserable outside. It’s an absolute crime to me to be inside when the weather is gorgeous as we get so little of it in this country and I struggle to commit to anything indoors from work to cooking to DIY. It just doesn’t happen.
So it’s with some excitement that I’ve drawn up a “little” list of indoor projects I want to try and get done before Christmas now that I’m not being distracted by the back garden as much. You know me and lists and projects, so much of it stays very firmly in my head and doesn’t actually translate to happening but I don’t know what 2020 holds for me yet so I need to make the most of this time whilst I have it.

The Hallway
Forever ago I bought some paint to paint the back of the front door. Most of that went on our top kitchen cupboards in the end but I do still have enough left to carry out my original plans. I also have a lovely new doormat and plan to spruce up our console table area and make it look a bit more autumn friendly.
The Kitchen
I wrote a kitchen snagging list months ago. I think I’ve done one thing on it *rolls eyes*. So that list still stands, with the addition of my tiny pantry plans too. As if I don’t have enough to do. The kitchen door is at least close to getting painted because I cleaned and sanded it yesterday so you never know, I might make some headway in here before I turn 40 in January.
The Living Room
Last year was definitely the big push for this room, everything from replastering to upgrading the electrics to laying our new floor. We didn’t get it finished by last Christmas and so didn’t bother getting a tree or decorating. Then this year I’ve been focusing on other spaces like the kitchen and garden. Now the weather has turned I spend pretty much all my time here and I’d love to get it feeling more cosy and homely.
If I could get the shelves and mantel beam faffed with, tile inside the fireplace and lower the mirror hanging above it I’d be happy. Anything else is a bonus. It’s funny how a room can be 85% finished but it’s that missing 15% which you need to feel properly at home in a space. At the moment as much as I love it I feel a bit like a lodger. I really want to enjoy Christmas in here this year so it’s all hands on deck (all two of the ones I have that is!)
The Bathroom
This one is pretty much done now that we finally have a proper shower fitted in there, thanks to the amazing team at Kohler who I’ve worked with on an upgrade to our old electric shower. We just need to check on the grouting and get a couple more accessories, it’s wild to think that after 5 years this will be a proper working room. Not just for us to have a bit more flexibility but to give guests their own bathroom without needing to use the en-suite
The Office
For months now MONTHS, I’ve had something to go up on the last wall. I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I haven’t put it up. It’s more or less all that’s left to do, minus a quick paint of the door and if I can work it out, changing the door handle. To everyone who thinks I motor through projects, don’t be fooled. I can be as slow as I can be fast.
The Front
A little mini project for outside the front – we’ve currently got a skip on the drive which is hopefully going in the next week or so then I want to get it looking lovely for autumn. The drive needs weeding, I want to put my autumn wreath back on the front door and get some little battery operated lights for the trees either side of the front door. If the weather’s good enough I’d love to give the front door a quick touch up too but that may be asking too much.

And there we go! I’m going to get started on some of these this week and see what I can get done before we go on holiday, ready to crack on when we come back. I see autumn in the same way I see spring, a bit of a chance to welcome a new season and use Christmas as deadline to get things done. Hopefully some #dailydiy motivation will keep me going.