Is there anything more satisfying than giving a little space at home at glow-up? I’m not talking throwing masses of ££ at the problem or being wasteful with constant changes. It is incredibly important though to make sure that you’re happy in your home, or as happy as you can be budget and time aside and if there are areas bringing you down that you have the power to change? Get on it!
I’d been feeling a bit ‘meh’ about our hallway for a while now. It’s quite a lovely light space because we’re semi-detached and have a decent sized glass pane next to the front door. But because we want to tile it one day and obviously sort the stairs out…and it probably needs replastering…we’ve never bothered making too much effort.

As the years have gone by it’s just become a bit dingy, despite the walls being white which is what we inherited. Of course white also shows up all the dirt and a muddy dog going in and out for walks this way twice a day does not a calming entry hall make. I kept putting off making any changes though because there didn’t seem to be any point when it needed properly renovating.
Thank goodness therefore for the wonders of Instagram and I started coming across people painting the back of their front doors. Even if I didn’t want to paint walls yet, I figured the back of the front door could inject some much-needed colour. So 8 months ago I bought the paint, opting for Calamine by Farrow & Ball but getting it mixed by the brilliant team at Decorating Centre Online who are truly as helpful as everyone says.
The paint arrived and I would have got stuck in but then the kitchen happened and the paint I’d earmarked for the front door got pilfered for the kitchen. And the months went, lots of months, before I decided that it was too cold and miserable to spend time in the garden and so I could bring my DIY efforts inside in time for autumn.
It’s a strange sensation, this changing up interior décor with the seasons. There was no such concept around when I was growing up, scatter cushions, throws, whatever, it all just stayed the same, seasons come, seasons go. I’m definitely late to the party when it comes to thinking about embracing those seasonal shifts, especially the cold ones but actually, there’s so much to love about autumn and adding a few updates to our home has actually been really fun.

Alongside painting the back door, I’ve also switched out the doormat (again, a purchase I made back in July and has been languishing in a cupboard ever since) as well as hanging the prettiest wreath from the door too. I love opportunities to support small business and when I came across Birch & Bloom via Instagram thought it would make the perfect finishing touch to our new look hallway.

Other than a few painted pumpkins and a new planter which was kindly gifted from Native Home & Lifestyle, not much has changed. The same furniture, the same hideous laminate floor, the same wall colour. Somehow though, somehow it looks so much more joyous and warm. I come downstairs in the morning and it really puts a smile on the face. As pink always does. Here’s to sweet little changes that make all the difference.