I’m a bit two-dimensional at the moment. If the weather’s good, I’m outside and all about that vegetable growing life. If the weather’s bad I’m inside wondering how quietly I can sand the staircase to not distract Pete while he’s working. It’s been a couple of weeks since I shared that we’ve finally decided to crack on with our staircase renovation and we’ve made pretty good progress.
The paint stripping is now all done (at least on the bottom stairs and first floor landing, the top will wait for another day) and I think one more big day of sanding will see it all ready for priming. Last weekend I worked on the bannister and sanded it back to the most beautiful natural wood colour with a gorgeous grain running through it and that definitely won’t be painted, it’s too beautiful as is.
Our original plan had been jut to focus on the spindles and the bannisters with a view to a full hallway makeover at some future point. We know that we’ll be replacing the grey carpet with a runner (or carpet effect runner) one day, but have just recently started talking about whether now is the time to get the carpet up completely.
We’re not in a position to be able to afford what we want as a replacement yet, but knowing this house the stairs will need a lot of repair work and so it may make sense just to get on with that job. I then said to Pete that perhaps painting something fun on the stairs in the meantime, perhaps a runner or perhaps just painting the steps themselves, could be a fun interim project until such time we get the final replacement sorted. I think he has visions of bare naked unfinished steps if we pull the carpet up but why not flex some creative muscle. So with the help of some fab suggestions on Instagram + people I already follow, I thought I’d share on here some of my favourite/inspiring staircases.

One of the loveliest accounts I follow, The Otto House is full of colourful touches and lots of inspiring DIY tips and tricks. The effect here is a beautiful pink ombre one in several different shades.

Probably the account that I fangirl over the most on Instagram, Annika and Rachel are doing a phenomenal renovation in the Midlands and currently working on their hallway. From budgeting to how-tos, they are so giving with information and this staircase is already looking epic.

This is one that was suggested by quite a few when I crowdsourced on Instagram and I LOVE the rainbow pastel colours of their stairs. It’s such a clever idea and so welcoming when you think that the entrance hall is what people who come to your house see the most (ie deliveries, post etc).

Another recommendation Phillipa has created a stunning gold painted runner on her staircase and this is exactly the inspiration I was looking for to see if it was possible. Not only does she go into really helpful detail but she also did a previous painted runner effect and shows that sometimes it may not be right first time but it shouldn’t put you off having another go.

I LOVE Kate’s home and have been following her for quite a while, she isn’t afraid of colour and creating something very different. Her dalmatian print stairs make me so happy and just goes to show that you really don’t have to follow any rules and just do what makes you happy!

Another one I love for a bold use of colour, Sophia is so creative and isn’t afraid to use artistic skills to really stand out. Now as much as I love pink I’d never get away with something like this since Pete would definitely veto it but you had to admit it’s a mega happy staircase!
Jess is a fellow se Londoner and working on her own family renovation with such a beautiful eye for detail. Having done her own staircase restoration project, she shows how you can make dark work stunningly on a staircase and has cleverly added a carpet made to look like a runner too.

For the uber-glam LOOK NO FURTHER! Jo has created something absolutely stunning with this black and copper staircase, which is hand gilded no less. I take my hat off as that is a whole load of patience but it’s an absolute one-off and I think really works well with the period of Jo’s home.

I love Jade’s light and airy hallway, you don’t find too many homes with so much space here. She has painted her stairs in white and dark and I think the contrast is so stylish and sophisticated. It’s also clever since the tread is the darker colour and therefore less likely to show up marks. Bonus points for the two-tone newel posts.

One of my lovely followers on Instagram shouted out their own staircase and why not as it’s absolutely gorgeous! The iconic Inchyra Blue from Farrow & Ball compliments the stripy runner and that pop of yellow on the edge is the perfect finishing touch. I could go and on and on as once I started looking there was just so much inspiration! But I hope this has given you some ideas if you’re planning a staircase project of your own. Right, back to sanding #whenwilliteverbeover

I have serious staircase envy! Been working on my own diy projects over lockdown without breaking the bank thanks to https://vouchershares.co.uk/vouchers/home-diy-voucher-codes/ . So many good diy and home vouchers.
Ahh that’s great to hear Anna I hope it’s going well!