If I peer into a crystal ball, I am very much hoping that a utility room is in my future. Not just because I have 3858986985 images stored in my head for inspiration on how it will look but because oh my, a dedicated space for Maddie and any future dog would literally be the dream.
I’ve grown up with dogs and Maddie is now 8 so I know quite a lot about being a good dog owner and the types of things dogs need in order to live their best lives. Here are some thoughts:
Pick The Right Place
All dogs deserve a designated spot in the house. Selecting the right place for your family-oriented pets involves finding a comfortable space where they can relax and unwind. It should also act as a safe and secure spot that they can always return to. Whilst dogs are naturally sociable for the most part and tend to love people, they also need to be able to get away from things.
Pick a spot that isn’t too loud and busy like the kitchen, somewhere that’s not too hot or too cold and where your dog can sleep peacefully during the night.
This can either be under the stairs, in your laundry room, a spare bedroom or a cosy corner in the living room.
Provide A Space For Water
Just like people and any other animals, it’s essential that dogs have access to fresh water at any time of day. We’ve experienced an incredibly warm, dry summer in much of the country and unlike cats, dogs aren’t always the smartest at keeping themselves cool. Remember, your dog can’t cool itself down like humans can.
Keep an eye out for signs of overheating such as excessive panting, shaking and frothing at the mouth. If your dog begins to overheat, this can cause dehydration, heatstroke and potentially fatal circumstances.
It Can Look Gorgeous, Too!
Before we got Maddie, I gave the walls in our dining room a quick coat of paint, but eventually ended up wallpapering the lower walls underneath the dado rail. If you are going ot redecorate, remove your old wallpaper with a scraper like one of these, and put up a replacement which is durable and wipeable.
Dogs can be prone to rubbing up against the wall and shaking after a long, muddy walk in the rain, potentially leaving stains and damaging your wallpaper. It’s much better to use washable finishes that can be wiped with a cloth to remove any dirt that pooch has left.
Non-woven wallpaper is dense and resistant to scratching. It can be easily cleaned and repainted if necessary. Laminated wallpaper may be a good option for your dog room, as even stubborn dirt can be easily removed from it.
Your dog’s bed should be large enough for them to lie in comfortably and move around in natural positions whilst they sleep.
Round beds with high sides are great for those who love to curl up. Mattress beds can be good for dogs who love to lie flat and box beds can help keep your pup warm, secure and protected from any draughts. We have one of each type of bed, plus *coughs* all the sofas too…!
Dog-Friendly Flooring
I’m not a fan of carpet at the best of times but for me it’s a no-go with pets because it’s so unhygienic. We have no carpets anymore on our ground floor and instead have a combination of laminate, tiles, and wood floors. It’s then so easy to keep clean from muddy paws and any accidents.
You’ll also learn not to be too precious if you do opt for wooden floors. People told me I was crazy to add herringbone parquet flooring to our living room 4 years ago but you’d still never know we had a dog and they quickly get used to the surface too.
Most importantly though – lots of love is all you really need.
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